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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

What Did October Look Like?

The year is going that fast I totally nearly forgot about October altogether. Seriously I thought we was still in October when my friend asked where my blog was. I answered its only the 7th and she replied yeah of November!! Ooops... #Cazizm

Looking back at all my pics it was a total blast. Spending special times with mi Marido, UK bestie Sam, trip to Javea to see the Failsworth boys, trip to Ilar to see my Mumzy & my Bro, DJing and meals out.

Phew no wonder it passed in a whirl.

How amazing does my Mumzy look? She will be 80 this year!!

I'm so glad I've got her genes!! #bestmuzy #allmine #topbro

If you read back on my blogs I have been to Ilar before its a lovely small totally Spanish village. Takes me just short of 3 hours to drive there from where I live in San Miguel.

As always my trip to Javea was a laugh and half with these lot.

A bit of home, Failsworth, in Spain.

Just takes me a week to get over it..

Would you believe that me and this girl have been best friends since we was 6years old?

Well its true!!

Primary school, junior school, when our headmaster told us we would not be in the same class in senior school, how wrong was he!

College and our 1st proper job in the same Law firm in Manchester.

Yes we have many many memories and still more to come. Love this chick with all my heart & more.

God-mother to her 2 gorgeous girls.

Always special to spend quality time together.

Mi Marido took me out for a drive to what we thought was an Italian restaurant...

Restaurante San Marino, C. Orquídea Pc, 3, 03191 Pinar de Campoverde, Alicante, which happened to be Spanish.

Loved the ceiling not sure what they was hung up like that for but looked really cool.

We ended up with Menu del Dia which was really good. Typical Spanish dishes but very tasty.

Pate, deep fried brie,

fish with potatoes in sauce & veg..

Lovely but definately not Italian!!

Went for another wine tasting session up at Pimiento's Restaurant this time with my Spanish Bestie. A very spoilt brat me to have another gorgeous bestie. This one's here in Spain and I reckon put here especially to look after me. We have been besties nearly 20 years now. WOW where does the time go really?? Mental!! Love her to bits..

Anyway I have been wine tasting before but this was a first for Lynn and she loved it.

If you have never been to one of Pimiento's wine tasting

events then you really must try one.

The wines are different every time and so is the food.

Once again it was an excellent day and the food was 100% top notch.

Check out their facebook page for the next one.

Two djing events for me this month.

First one for Gemma's 40th at Clarks Bar, Playa Flamenca.

Really good night had by all and of course the birthday girl had a ball.

Nice friendly little bar go and check it out if you are in the area.

And the 2nd one HALLOWEEN DISCO at The New Tavern, San Miguel.

Mi Marido & Lucy flew over especially for it. Everyone made a big effort and it was a great night.

So get this..... "Hallow" or holy person refers to the saints celebrated on All Saints' Day, which is November 1st.

The "een" part of the word is a contraction of "eve" or evening before. So basically, Halloween is just an old-fashioned way of saying "the night before All Saints' Day" also called Hallowmas or All Hallows' Day.

Just another reason to dress up and have a bloody good party

thats what I say.

On Halloween back in 1989 I was living on a boat called the "Ronya" in Eilat in Israel. #justsaying

To end another really busy month we went to The Fairways based in Villa Martin Plaza.

As you can see by my pics the food was amazing.

Staff were pretty cool too.

I thought I had never been before because we sat on the terrace but I have actually been for Sunday Lunch last year & that was amazing too.

Definately be going again.

On another note after all that awful COVID lockdown nightmare, I was dead chuffed to receive this from Manchester City Council.

And if you are wondering why I received one of these..

Click on this link and scroll down the videos to watch all the breakfast shows with Caz & Greg that we did LIVE every single morning during the first lockdown from our very own living room.

Thanks Mcr City Council much appreciated. #lockdown #McrBee #McrCouncil

Well my lovely blog readers that's October done and dusted.

Don't forget you can catch me LIVE on air every weekday morning from 7am on BIG RADIO SPAIN.

We even have an APP you can download to your phone to take us with you everywhere you go. Click on this link to download.

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