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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews


If you follow my website you will also know that I present the Breakfast Show with the boss Richie Sparks LIVE every weekday morning from 8-10am Spanish Time on Big Radio Spain

We have been running for the past month a FABtastic give-away of 1000 euros worth of flooring courtesy of Costa Blanca Flooring and what a competition it was too...

Saturday 1st May was the big finale and we did it right outside Big Fm's headquarters where our 4 finalists arrived to battle it out to the end...

Mark, Margaret, Mandy & Pam...

The day was hillarious especially when Sonic the Hedgehog and Crazy Crustacean arrived to entertain the crowd. Lobster Lobster hear all about it!!

The music was playing, the drinks were flowing, and the entertainment carried on..

Not forgetting the amazing guys from Hands Qualita who were quietly in the background cooking their amazing seafood paella for us all.

If you have a birthday coming up or wedding or any event they come to your house and cook it for you.. Sit back watch drink and enjoy...

They don't just cook paella check out their website right here...

As you know in most competitions there is only ever ONE winner and that was you Pam from La Marina... Well Done!!

But that is actually a lie in this case because the runners up also received a 100 euro voucher towards any flooring they wish to purchase..

Thank you so much Danny the proprietor of Costa Blanca Flooring, what a top generous guy!!

Pam & Margaret being the last runner up pictured right here with Danny, Costa Blanca Flooring, Richie Sparks proprietor of BIG Radio Spain and Caz Matthews, crazy crustacean..

Bring on the next outside broadcast,... Its great that things are slowly opening up and we are now allowed to do this. And if you are a business situated on the Costa Blanca Area and fancy giving something away on radio...

Get in touch with Richie Sparks direct on 965 997 222 or via the website

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