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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

Tick Tock!!

Yep this is me counting down the days, hours & minutes till we set off to our 2nd home.

12 days to go to be precise.

Fingers crossed nothing happens to change our plans once again!!

This will be the 4th time we have tried to set off to Sunny San Miguel since March.

Who would have thought COVID would have stopped the world in its tracks!!

Madness times out there. But hopefully we will all come through it safe & sound.

In the meantime it will be great to finally get back to our beautiful home in San Miguel de Salinas.

I personally have reflected a lot about life since lockdown and now know I am ready to return to live in Spain. So all being well & things going to plan I am hoping to be over there sooner rather than later.

I will still be presenting my shows both on North Manchester fm & FAB Radio International every Tuesday.

Its magic what you can do over the internet from home these days!!

And if it wasn't for COVID lockdown I would never have known!!

Adios for now & hasta pronto!! "Salute"

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