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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

The Children Are Our Future!!

Because of the COVID restrictions I couldn't actually go to Elche Children's Care Home to meet the children and have a nosey round but I did get to meet up with the lovely Annette English, President of the Children's Care Home. What an amazing person she is too.

Annette arrived to the BIG Radio Studio's armed with gifts of sausage rolls... Just what the doctor ordered and oh yes they were lovely. You can definately come again Annette..

On with the chat and Annette tells me the Association Elche Children's Care Home charity is fully legal and has been registered in Spain since 2007. They are totally supported by a dedicated team of fund raisers and Volunteers.

Funds are raised through raffles, tombolas, charity events and donations. But and a big BUT because of COVID none of these can happen at the moment so they are now really struggling with funding. Its a very sad affair.

All donations they do receive are used solely for the needs of the youngsters in the home who are aged between 12 and 17 years with approximately 25 children living there at any given time. That is a lot of mouths to feed etc..

The Charity provides clothes, shoes, toiletries, school books, after school activities, equipments for educational development, birthday and christmas gifts and trips during the long school holidays.

They also provide things needed for their vocational studies like equipment, course books and uniforms.

Most importantly they priovide the Help and Love that enriches these youngsters lives.

They help them face the world with self confidence, courage and respect.

You can hear Annette's interview which went out LIVE on right here by clicking on this link

How can they still provide all this without any funding coming in?

It has been a terrible hard long year and its not over yet.

This is where THEY NEED YOU!!

Here is the lovely Annette with husband David which without these two Elche Children's Care Home would not exist..

Your donation will continue to provide a stable home, 24/7 professional care, and support to the children.

Please help them to help these young people by donating what you can.

They are eternally grateful to the many supporters who have made donations from various charity events, both large and small.

Every cent is important, and every cent is spent on their children.

On behalf of their Children they would like to thank their volunteers, and every one who has donated to the Home.

So please please HELP if you can & lets keep this Care Home going for many more years!!

If you can help in any way whatsoever then please get in touch..

email - tel - 0034 634361887 or via their website

Or to donate right now Click on this link..

Thank you in advance!!

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