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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

Nutty November/Noviembre

How can it be the middle of December already and i've not done November's blog yet???

Well it is and i'm late again, sorry blog readers but better late than never so they say...

November kicked off with All Saint's Day here in Spain. What's that all about?

All Saints Day in Spain (Todos Los Santos) takes place on November 1st. It is a very important national public holiday when people from all over the country return to their town or village to lay flowers on the graves of deceased relatives. There are few religious days that mean quite so much to the ordinary people of Spain as this solemn festival.

on November 1st each year, the Feast of All of the Saints is held and this particular public holiday centres around remembering dead family members. Most people will visit the graves of relatives and decorate them with elaborate floral displays. Roads around cemeteries will be crammed with traffic, flower sellers line the streets and, in many places, additional public transport services are organised. Although this might sound over-commercialised and hectic it is actually, for most people, a day of high emotions. The Eucharist, or Mass, will often be performed in the cemetery several times during the day.

November brought me Visitors...

So yep as you can imagine it ended up a bit of a mad few weeks.

Was great to see Lucy, Jamie & Christopher, my brother Kev and of course mi marido was here for a few days too.

Casa Pilli one of my very favourite Spanish Restaurants based in the heart of Los Montesinos

Its a must to go there.. The food is amazing and the owner Otilia is a beautiful lady.

Check it out right here and tell her you read about it on

Then it was time for THE PARTY OF THE YEAR!! We have waited for this party for over a year, because of COVID it had to be re-arranged to this year. Oh and it was so worth waiting for. My gorgeous forever amigos Don and Irene's Golden Wedding Anniversary.. 60years WOW!! Was held in the beautful venue La Marina Hotel in Quesada.

I have stayed here a few times and every time it has been top notch.

The Spa experience is amazing.

A great way to get ready for a party thats for sure.

My beautiful amigos Don & Irene dancing to the amazing Jersey Boys.

It was a fantastic party and the food was delicious.

They even had The Beatles entertaining us.

Can I dare say they were better than the real thing?

Buying a car in Spain is not the easiest thing to do as my brother found out for himself. He flew over for a few days to do just that. Thinking to himself he will buy one over night. Easy!! Not in Spain its not. He saw the car 1st day and said yes will have it. 7 days later he drove away in it. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork oh how the Spanish love their paperwork!!

Cars hold their money over here in Spain.

Yes be prepared to pay quite a lot for an old banger.

Nevermind a brand new one!!

Something I really do miss from back home is the Theatre. Well I finally got to go to the Theatre over here. Went to see South Pacific presented by Studio Thirty Two Musical Theatre Company at Teatro Cardenal Belluga in Formentera

I was well impressed with the actual theatre what a beautiful building.

Comfy seats and plenty of parking.

Just a real shame there wasn't any refreshments due to COVID rules.

And of course it was a great show well done to everyone involved.

There was a birthday in the the house this month my Minni Matthews is 14 years old!!

She has had it a bit rough lately as well, poor girl has been poorly and they finally diagnosed her with cushings disease.

She is now doing amazing thanks to all the medication she is now taking.

Last but not least I finally made a trip back to the UK. It wasn't plane sailing as my friend was not allowed to board because he forgot his vaccination certificate. Now then Ryan Air refused him but the next day he flew with Jet 2 and they didn't even ask to see it??

So who's right??

While it was a great few days things are so different over in the UK compared to here in Spain. I don't think I saw anyone wearing masks outside of the airport and I was looked at as if I was stupid wearing mine. Everyone to their own I guess.

Was fantastic to see most of my family and friends.

I really do miss everyone so much.

Trust my pops to move his head...

Blurred pic!!

I even got some snow lovely!!

And that my readers brings me to the end of November. 'phew' what a very busy month!!

Soon be christmas!!

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