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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

March Awareness 2024

How crazy that March is Endometriosis awareness month and I ended up having the WORST ever flare-up i've had for a very long time. I touched on Endo in my January blog as my gynae had changed my meds. After taking them for only 2 weeks I woke up in absolute agony one Sunday morning at a friends house which made matters a lot worse. There was no warning, sometimes I get a back ache warning but it was WHAM and that was me in bed for a week with Endo belly like never before.

The drive home from my friends that Sunday morning was awful. I actually don't know how I did it! So back to the doctors first thing Monday morning where she then had to re-refer me back to the gynae at Torrevieja Hospital for an emergency appointment. I will be honest and normally when I have had to go back to the gynae they are normally really quick but this time its not until 22nd April. Even my doctor was surprised by this. Patience Caz...

Not easy when your in a lot of pain every day.

This is definately not one of my favourite pictures and it took me a long time to decide to share it, but it's the poor young girls I feel for who are getting no help at all from their doctors and have to wait nearly seven years for a diagnosis!! YES seven years.

Let me explain a bit about endometriosis just so you can understand what its all about... Endometriosis (pronounced en- doh – mee – tree – oh – sis) is the name given to the condition where cells similar to the ones in the lining of the womb (uterus) are found elsewhere in the body. Each month these cells react in the same way to those in the womb, building up and then breaking down and bleeding. Unlike the cells in the womb that leave the body as a period, this blood has no way to escape. Endometriosis can affect you from puberty to menopause, although the impact may be felt for life.

Endometriosis can have a significant impact on a person's life in a number of ways, including:

  • Chronic pain

  • Fatigue/lack of energy

  • Depression/isolation

  • An inability to conceive

  • Difficulty in fulfilling work and social commitments

I was diagnosed with Endometriosis far too late in life to have children for one and far too late in life to realise the impact on my life it was having.  I'm sick of being embarressed hence why I have spoken up about it now. More doctors & specialists need to be aware of the amount of young girls & women that are going through this all over the world..

If you are or you think you are suffering from Endometriosis then here is a website that I found quite helpful. 

There are many facebook pages/blogs as well relating to all different areas/Countries all over the world you can join. Just google Endometriosis in your area and i'm sure you will find help. #endometriosis #painful #invisabledisease #nocure

So it has not been the best of months but it was good

to spend some time with my special friends, Don, Kirsty & Mika. Sad though as we acknowledged the loss of our gorgeous bird of paradise Irene who sadly passed away a year ago already. 😞

We went to Boca,Tapas bar & restaurant, based in the heart of Quesada owned and run by the lovely Ronald & Joanne.

I have been here a few times and every time the food is amazing and the service is fantastic too. If you have never been then get yourselves booked in, and make sure you mention you heard about them right here on

The best news this month was my beautiful god-daughter Lizzy aged 21

[I saw her born 😨being my best friend Sam's Doula] and husband Ariel aged 22 arriving to sign for their very own house which they have bought here in Spain. Right across the Salt Lake from me. Takes me 15minutes to drive to their house from mine. #movingtoSpain

This is a working salt lake and it is fed by waste water from a salt mine up inthe mountains between Hondon and Pinoso. At its deepest point it is only a few feet deep and it is possible to walk accross it from the San Luis/Torretas side to the Los Balcones side. The las salinas are perfectly clear in the morning and offer a great camera shot towards San Miguel with it being a perfect mirror image.By the afternoon the lake changes to a pink colour which is a chemical reaction which is instrumental in the salt production process. The salt is gathered daily by a specially designed boat. It is then stored at the white heaps seen by the N332. It Is then transported to the nearby harbour by conveyer belt for export by tankers. Great for dog walking also the black mud like residue at the bottom of the lake has reputedly healing qualities for athritis and skin conditions.

Lizzy & Ariel have done absolutey amazing and i'm mega proud of them. I was happy to be able to pick them up at the airport and take them straight to their Solicitors to sign and get the keys. Typical Spain being Spain there was a problem and Notary signing was postponed to the next day.

So they stayed with me for the night which was not a problem especially because Lizzy is a great cook!! 😍

I was introduced to South American Food..

First up....

This Egg Soup was so tasty!



Corn on the Cob



Chicken/Veggie Stock


And she left me enough to feed me for a good few days! 😍 #SouthAmericanFood #Soup #Eggsoup #tastyfillingsoup

Then just before I dropped them off at the airport to head back to the UK I was left with this delicious receipe...

Lentils with Sausage..

Green lentils

Double cream, small or water


Frankfurter sausages

Tomato Sauce

Salt, Pepper


Once again enough to feed me for a good few days. Thanks Lizzy & Ariel and hurry up back before I starve to death. #lentildish #lentilsandsausage #healthy

It has been great to have them both over here round the corner and can't wait until they move here for good.

I haven't been the best god-mother in the world as I travelled when they were babies so now its come back round to bite me.. 🤣

My new name is SPODMUM... Spanish God Mumzy..

But then again are they not going to be living round the corner to look after me? 💚💚🥰 #ofcourse #bratspodmum #goddaughter

I managed a couple of days over in Javea until I got the dreaded Endo Flare-up and had to come back. But what a great couple of days it was with it being the Arenal Blues Javea Festival. This is the original facebook page to it so you can follow whats happening next time its on. Some great pictures here too.. #bluesfestival #Javea #March

After missing a few sessions I was back with my trainer Andy Heath for session 9 of

"Can Caz run 10k" As I have mentioned before I have signed up for a 10k run for charity which takes place in San Miguel in September. 😲 The charities I have chosen are

Help Vega Baja in San Miguel 

and The Vets in Los Montesinos

You can't half feel it when you miss a couple of sessions. My god that was hard!!

You can follow my journed right here on this website or via

And then it was Easter and my hubby was over and its been a long time coming this time round.

What with losing Minni and being ill 6 weeks have felt like 6 years. 💚

Weather wasn't the best, quite windy and a bits of rain here and there but hey ho the plants needed it... 🌧

Had a lovely Easter Weekend though with friends.

Watched the Easter parade which as always in San Miguel they make an amazing effort and everyone comes out to support it.

More great pictures via this link courtesy of Andy Fox from

Over to Lords Lounge for Easter Sunday dinner.

This what was on the menu.. Lovely and if you have never been for food or drinks then check out what they have on right here on their fb page...

As March comes to an end my girl Minni Matthews has been gone a month now and no it does not get any easier. People keep saying get another fur baby.

There is no way I can ever go through this again.

Well known saying "never say never" but its never for me at the minute.

The memories keep popping up which keeps me going.

And the beautiful gifts & messages I keep receiving from you beautiful people out there..

Thank you with all my heart!! 💚💚

Once again thank you soooo much for reading my blog.

Please feel free to comment, good or bad I can take it.. 😂

I actually would really like your feedback...

cheers in advance...💚

Don't forget you can catch me LIVE on air every weekday morning from 7am on


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