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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

Lockdown Birthday & Valentines Day!

When its your Spanish Bestie's birthday what more can you do during lockdown than throw a patio party for the three muskateer's in your bubble not forgetting the 2 little doggies of Minni & Daglish of course!!

So we cranked up the tunage & kicked off with fizz & strawberries..

Even the sunshine joined our party.. Perfecto!!

Off I went supporting our local business's in this awful time, to pick up birthday girl's choice of menu del dia from the gorgeous restaurant La Herradura, based in Los Montesinos.

This is not just a restaurant its class in beautiful surroundings. La Herradura is located in a 19th century rural house located in a unique environment, embraced by the pink waters of the salty lagoons of Torrevieja.

Read all about this amazing venue, via their website right here

The food was to die for. We had fresh baked bread with Ali Oli and salad and that was the starter before the starters of stewed beans and tuna cannelloni..

A bit of a break and more fizz of course then for the main course, which we dined on inside as it had gone a bit chilly by time we wanted it.

Birthday girl chose zucchini stuffed with cod and I went for the chilli chicken. Perfect choice for both.

And the perfect ending was home-made cheesecake just for the birthday girl thanks to the wonderful chef Aurora Torresmora.

All in all we had a great party considering the lockdown rules. I totally 100% recommend take-away menue del dia from La Herradura and will definately be going back.

Then it was Valentines Day!!

And kicking off the day Fresh flowers delivered all the way from the UK - from my hubby of course - via local florists based in the heart of Los Montesinos "Diamond Flores"... check them out right here on facebook..

English speaking florists on the Costa Blanca, offering fresh flowers, gift hampers and small home-wares, specializing in weddings in Spain.

During this lockdown nitemare who better to spend the most romantic day of the year with than my bubbles Lynn & Billy!! What would I do without them!!

Aperitif of fizz and strawberries!!

Followed by home-made chicken fajitas and vino tinto of course... Obviously I did not cook!

A bit of dancing round the living room to Elvis Presley and then Mad Max 1, 2, 3 and 4.. Not too sure about 2, 3 and 4 didn't really get it!! #dontdofilms

Life is what you make it in these very pressing times at the moment.

So happy birthday to everyone out there that is in lockdown birthday mode and happy Valentines Day too!! #beesafe #welovespainlive

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