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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

Feliz Navidad & Feliz Ano Nueve!!

Well that's another Christmas done and dusted but this years was definately different.

We actually didn't really know what to expect as the rules have been changing over here in Spain every day. But at least we could still get out and about, which is more than can be said in the UK at the moment. As we were still allowed to go to the bars masked up and social distanced of course, this made it a bit more christmassy for us over here. Even though we are not allowed to sit at the bar, we can order our drinks at the bar then go and sit at a table upto 6 people unmask and enjoy. As long as you mask up every time you leave the table of course. #christmas2020

So on Christmas Eve the 4 of us and our doggies found ourselves having a wander around a very quiet village supporting our local bars. The weather was beautiful so we could sit out side before heading home to prepare for the festive feast the next day.

No bucks fizz on the beach this year as they were all closed to the public. It was the quietest Christmas I have ever known here in Spain due to flights being cancelled and the rules changing where Spain is now only allowing in people with residentia proof. The curfew times have changed too. We had to throw our friends out before they turned into pumkins on the strike of 12 and got in trouble off the Guardia if seen out on the streets. #chirstmasdinner #curfew #spain

New Years Eve celebrations were all cancelled too as the night before it was announced that there was no DJ's, live music, singers or even announcers allowed. A very heavy fine would be given if the rules were ignored. So there went our music bingo afternoon. The 6 of us once again went out in the afternoon to support our very quiet local bars. Seeing as we had to be home for a certain time we couldn't even bring in the new year with our friends they had to be in their own home before the strike of 12.. The only good thng about this was when we rang our family and friends in the UK everyone was in the same boat staying at home & we managed to speak to them whereas if it was a normal new years eve you never manage to get through & if you did its normally to a packed out bar where you can't hear the conversation anyway. #goodfriends #newyearseve #quietcelebrations

All in all it has been a lovely Christmas and new year spent with amazing friends and we really do thank ourselves lucky that we are allowed the freedom that we have. Thoughts going out to all my friends and family back in the UK and all over the world that don't have that freedom as of yet. Sending New Year love to you all, hoping this madness ends soon so we can all get back to normal and most of all please please STAY SAFE!!

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