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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

Deciembre. Navidad. Party Month!

Here it comes the busiest month of the year and I was a very busy bee big time, kicking off

with BIG Fm's Christmas Charity Bash for Elche Childrens Care Home.

Now things are sort of moving and we can finally put on events we decided to get one in before the year ended.

The Venue being The Club in Quesada. We had a blast thanks to each and everyone of you that bought a ticket and we raised a total amount of 1500euros!!

WOW that was an amazing amount for our very first event, in how many years, due to this covid crap!! Bring on all the events we can do next year that's what I say..

I had some Djing to do this month too. First up The Big Reds Fundraiser at Olympia Pool & Garden Bar based in the heart of Mil Palmeras, my very favourite beach - and yes definately not a bad place to be playing some Christmas tunes on a sunny Sunday afternoon that's for sure.

I spotted Mr & Mrs Fox from Villas Fox enjoying the music and the sunshine.

Looking for a house to buy or selling a house? Then these are the guys to go to.

Big Reds is an Animal Charity doing an amazing job read all about them right here

Next up for this DJ was the gorgeous, trendy Lawsons Wine & Cocktail Bar situated in the heart of Ciudad Quesada.

It was a private christmas party & what a party it was.

The amazing cocktails were flowing a plenty, and trust me their porn stars are more than porn stars.

Shame I could only have the one as I was driving..

The tapas were something else and everyone had a great night.

So if your looking for somewhere different, cool and trendy then check out this place & tell them you read about them right here on We Love Spain Live.

Because the BIG FM team are such an amazing bunch the boss & Mrs Boss, Richie & Rachel, threw us a Christmas works do.

Singing, dancing and karaoke not to mention the fantastic spread supplied by Rumours in Formentera.

A great night was had by all. Don't really remember getting the taxi home. But shhhh don't tell the boss!!

We have a fantastic team of presenters check out our schedule via our website and get yourself tuned in every day to the biggest, brightest radio station on the Costas.

As from the 10th January 2022 the breakfast show is going to 3 hours. Well I am doing the extra hour from 7-8am it will be The School Run with Caz Matthews then normality resumes from 8-10 with The Early Breakfast show Richie Sparks & Caz Matthews. #breakfastshow #wakinguptheworld #liveradio #schoolrun #weekdays

And then it was Christmas Day! This year was so different for us.

We normally have the full Christmas Dinner and all the trimmings at our house with our Spanish bestie's Lynn & Billy but this year we decided to go to El Prado - Wedding venue - for a change. What a good choice it ended up to be.

It was 35euros a head and that included the food with unlimited beer, wine and cava. Bargain!

I can't tell you just how fantastic the food was.

Entremeses - cheese & ham served in the middle of the table between the four of us.

Then came pumpkin soup and Prawn Cocktail for the starters. Yes that was each.

My main course choice was oven baked lamb which was to die for. Served with every potato you could wish for and the very best in every fresh vegetable, even sprouts!

You really could not fault the food at all. The service was bang on too and of course there was a DJ to dance all this off.

Amazing Christmas Day and will definately be going again.

Boxing day is usually spent watching all the football games but this year they were cancelled due to COVID!! So it was off to Wishy Washy, as we call it, for nibbles and drinks. Its actually called La Colada Wash & Drink because its a launderette with a bar while you wait.

Great idea and a great bar with fab owners and staff.

They serve the best langoustines as we found out. You need to order these in advance. But they have a great array of tapas to choose from if your a bit peckish. If you didn't know A tapa in Spain is essentially an appetizer that is served in most bars or restaurants with a drink. This itinerant consumption is called tapeo, or going for tapas.

To top off Boxing Day Stuart only went and won not one but two hampers that they had up for raffle.

Here he is chuffed to bits with the owner Raffa..

I'm still eating stuff out of them now..

This bar is a must visit they are situated on the Ronda Oeste in San Miguel really easy to find.

And before you know it its the end of the year! New years eve already, seriously where has this past year gone?

Well it was all different again this year as I was djing and we had a visitor joining us, our gorgeous amiga Lucy from the UK.

It was touch and go whether this was going to happen because of COVID rules with live music etc. But yeah the town hall came up trumps in the end and gave The New Tavern the licence to put me on. Exciting.. Even though they only gave us an extra hour meaning the music had to be off bang on 1am.

This is the first time i've done a new years eve & was dead chuffed to be doing it in my local in my village here in Spain.

They charged a mega cheap price of 5euros which included a hot and cold buffet and me keeping you entertained. Where else could you go on new years eve for that??

The only rules being still 2 meters between tables and you had to wear your mask to dance. I personally think that's a mad rule but hey ho rules are rules.

A great night was had by all and we let the new year in twice. Once at midnight and then again along with the UK at 1am taking the music to just after 1am.. Ooops naughty!

And that my friends is the end of another year!!

A massive happy new year to each and everyone of you and lets hope 2022 brings you lots of good health, wealth and happiness!! But most of all lots of Love!!

New Years Resolution... Learn to take better selfies!!!

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