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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

December -FELIZ NAVIDAD 2023

I have really been trying to get this blog out since the end of last year.

Better late than never eh... 😂

An unexpected trip back to the UK for a very sad occasion as we said good bye to the gorgeous Imelda Mounfield, who was definately taken far too soon. Imelda was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in November 2020 and had been receiving treatment at The Christie Hospital in Manchester. 

Imelda and Mani raised significant amounts of money in recent years for local charities, including in December 2022 when they raised over £100,000 for The Christie and Stockport NHS Charity through an auction of music and culture memorabilia, which if you look back at my blog to this time last year I was there and it was a fantastic night.

Both charities supported her through her journey. #cancersucks

It was a fantastic turnout, her family and friends gave her the massive sendoff that she totally deserved.

Good to see some Manchester Legends supporting Mani, his wife & family too.

You can R.I.P now beautiful. 💔 A very sad loss who will be missed massively.

Even though it was once again a very sad occasion that I was flying back to the UK for a few days, it was also great to catch up with some of my own family and friends.

It was that cold I had to invest in a new big coat so does that mean I have to fly over a bit more often to get my wear out of it?

No thanks.. For all that I loved seeing everyone the traffic for one, did my head in. It took my taxi driver Lucy 2 hours to get from Royton to Walkden, which should have been a half hour journey!!

Got to see my Popsy & Chris which was great.

Big teary face on me here... 🥰

The last supper was spent with these 2 nutters at The Halfway House, Royton and what a superb place to spend it. A big FREEZIN COLD walk up the hill, it was worth it at the end. Food was delicious, service fantastic and the company was a bit of ok too 😍😍

Definately check it out if your in this neck of the woods... Cottage pie for me followed by hot crumble and fresh cream. Oh yes lovely jubberly. I will be back....

A great country pub you don't get thrown out of 😍

Even though it was a beautiful frosty few days making everywhere look lush its not for me anymore.

I will be back next year to see everyone again just hope and pray its not another funeral!!

December was so full I can only touch on things really otherwise I would bore you to death. It was fantastic to have my mumzy, Tom & Hubby here with me for the festive period. Together with walks on the beach, menu del dia's in some great local restaurants I organised the first of many Charity Events in my local Echo's Bar..

This bar is situated round the corner from me on Balcon de la Costa. A great local bar it is too. A FANTASTIC afternoon of fundraising thank you sooo much to everyone who donated you are amazing.. We was inundated with raffle prizes by local business's and beyond. Just shows you how a community can come together when needed.

We raised a total of €302.70 for A Helping Hand - Food & Clothes Bank -Costa Blanca

I will be doing another charity event next year but thats in next years blog!! #eventsforcharity

Another great time was had by all at the annual Big Fm's BIG crimbo bash. This year held at Silverstones, Montebello..

A massive thanks to Mike & all his staff at Silverstones you really did us proud. The food was amazing. Hot and cold buffet with everything and more on it. If you are looking for a venue to have a private party for any reason whatsoever then definately check this place out they go above and beyond to make your day special.

If your not tuned into the biggest community local radio station by now then why not??

Only Some of our BIG family the rest were working!!

And then it was Christmas Day!! Look at the weather! It was amazing sunshine right through December. No complaints there at all...

Our third Christmas Day at Meson El Prado, San Miguel, our very favourite restaurant.

We had a fantastic day but I do have to be honest when I say the food was not as good as last year. Still great value for money and couldn't fault the service all the staff as always were amazing. Can we get more roast potatoes next year please? 😁

At 60euros per person you can't really complain as that includes all the food, which was enough, and all you can possibly drink too. Not forgetting the entertainment which made for a fantastic Christmas Day Atmosphere.

Check out the videos right here... My Mumzee & Tom dancing the day away... Feliz Navidad 2023 My Mumzee & Son-in-law dance off!

Homemade bubble and squeak for boxing day by our gorgeous Spanish besties Lynn & Billy..

We used to always have bubble and squeak at theirs if we was here but because we have been to El Prado over the last 3 years there was never any leftovers😂 so Lynn decided to make it from scratch. Gracias babes.. Same time same place next year..

Lovely it was too!! #bubble&squeak #boxingday

After the Christmas shenanigans Stu took us all out for a special treat before mumzee & Tom flew back to the UK.

They are a long established restaurant offering the best lobsters and seafood dishes in the area.

Overlooking the sea front in Playa Flamenca making it a very special treat.

Look at these fresh Oysters! Fabulous and tasty.

I opted for Clams steamed in white wine and garlic to start but then oh yes it definately had to be Lobster Thermidor.

You can't beat fresh lobster and I think Tom enjoyed every bit too. 😍

Mumzee not being a lover of lobster opted for Fish n Chips which she said was the best she has ever had.

The service was 100% lovely staff. There is a 10% service charge added onto the bill but we still left a tip as they looked after us so well.

It's definately not the cheapest of restaurants but in my opinion it is worth every penny. Even though I didn't pay 😍

If your looking for that special lobster/fish restaurant I totally recommend this one.

I've had a very busy December and great christmas with my family and beautiful friends & then it was New Years Eve!! And look who turned up to surprise me!! Our Mike!! I didn't have a clue he was coming.. I do love surprises bigtime. Who's the next one? 😍

New Year's Eve 2023 I was djing at The Hillside, La Marina.

It was a fantastic night as it always is when I dj there. Great family owned bar. Even better that we could all stay over so really party the night away.

Thanks once again for having me and here's to a great 2024 to each and everyone of you. #newyearseve #familybar




Well thats the end of another year. Boy has it flown!!

I want to wish you all a very happy 2024 and hope it brings all you wish for and more.

Remember life is far too short so live life to the fullest because it only happens once!!

Don't forget you can catch me LIVE on air every weekday morning from 7am on


Thanks again for reading my blogs.

Got loads happening next year so make sure you stay tuned to

Queen Minni..


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