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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

Dance, Dance Wherever You May Be!!

I am absolutely loving travelling around the Costa's finding out what's going on out there and meeting different people. This lady comes top of my list. Erica Dorrill is the owner/proprietor/principal of Footwork Dance Studios Spain and was definately a pleasure to meet. #dance #keepfit #spain

I literally could have stayed there all day chatting to her.

There really is more to life in Spain than Sun, Sea and Sangria and if you want to learn to dance or just basically keep fit then this is definately the place to go.

So first impressions when I arrived was the cleanliness of the studio from the minute I walked in the door. It was absolutely spotless. Hand sanitizers all around too. Made me feel really safe.

As everyone during this nitemare state of affairs Erica her staff and customers have strugged through COVID with having to close down. But they are weathering the storm and are now re-open, albeit at a lower capacity due to social distancing regulations.

The studio's are amazing.

I know, as I now do a legs bums and tums class every week there.

To be honest I only joined so I could hear loud pumping music at last!!

And no I could not walk after the first one!!

But the music is fantastic and yes I am being a good girl and carrying on.

After listeing to Erica telling me about her tap dancing classes and her oldest member is 86yrs old how can I not carry on??

Might just have to start tap dancing classes next to keep up...

Footwork Dance Studios which is based in Los Montesinos offers all round Dance and Performing Arts Centres offering classes for children and adults alike whether it is just for fun, fitness or future!

Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Dancercise, Dance Fit, Ballates, Tai Chi  & DDMIX. Take your pick!!

For those who are interested they perform shows throughout the year, take part in Fiestas, enter competitions and exams in the ISTD and IDTA syllabi.

Now that sounds good to me!!

Watch this space I might just be in the next show!!

Like I said earlier it was fantastic speaking to Erica and you can hear her live interview which went out on by clicking this link right here

Footwork Dance Studios Spain is a great place to not just get fit, but to meet new people, make friends and get away from all this COVID nitemare for an hour or so.

For more information click on their website

or follow them on Facebook

Then you can go for a nice glass of vino in the sunshine.. Salud!!

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