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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

April was a Car Crash!!

Well, don't do what I did and have a crash on your way to your medical/driving test to change your driving licence over to Spanish!!

As you can see it was more of a bump but the way the other driver, English I might add & her friend, ripped into me so very very nasty it might as well have been a pile up!!

WOW.. she was awful and refused to give me her insurance details, which I do believe is against the law.

Just a word of advice to anyone who might unfortunately have a car accident. Be nice to each other you do not know that other person and have no idea where they are going etc. Therefore by time I got to the medical centre in La Siesta I was a shaking mess.

I can honestly say from the lady on the reception who I totally burst out crying to like a right drama queen and she thought I was worried about the test. To the lady who did the hearing test and my driving test. Which is easy if your not shaking like a leaf. I was certain I was not going to pass I bleeped that much trying to keep the balls in between the lines. To the doctor who did my eye test. They were absolutely amazing. I PASSED!! Bye bye British licence hello Spanish one!!

If you are in the process of wondering what to do and where to go to get your driving licence change over going, then definitely go to Clinica La Siesta, they really do take care of you. There is absolutely nothing to worry about its really easy and straightforward.

Just take your glasses even if you only wear them for reading.

This is the website you can book online and they get back to you straight away.

Can you believe it, I then had to drive to a djing event where my friend was doing a Broadway Boogie & Pound Class, in memory of her mum to raise funds for Paul Cunningham Nurses.

What a great day was had by all!!

The money that was raised at Kirsty's Broadway Boogie fundraising class in memory of her gorgeous mum & my beautiful friend, Irene Spence was handed over to the head nurse of Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity.

Dad Don Spence and Big FM breakfast presenter DJ Caz Matthews were at BIG FM

in Quesada to hand over €300 plus to Bev which was raised at a class on 6th April at Coopers Family Bar and Restaurant.

Thank you to everyone who took part and for all the raffle tickets purchased and raffle prizes donated it is very much appreciated.

Details on future Broadway Boogie classes with Kirsty in the UK or indeed in Spain sometime w/c 22nd May will be posted on her page soon.

Please feel free to send her a message for further information.

So far the Just Giving page has exceeded £2300 and once it is wrapped up that will be split between Paul Cunningham Nurses and Chest, Heart & Stroke.

There’s still time to donate by following the link below. #everylittlehelps

It was all about my car this month.

After that trauma I then had to take it for an ITV. Now I have never done this before as a friend always took my cars, being the spoilt brat I am.

This time I wanted to take it myself, with the help of a friend of course.

It was a piece of cake! In my opinion the ITV stations over here are miles better than taking your car for an MOT.

I took it to San Janiar ITV station. I didn't book an appointment just drove there but you can book an appointment in advance via their website. I found the service really professional from beginning to end. The lady at the window where you take your documents and pay for the ITV - before they do it of course. The Spanish are not daft.

Then it was in the car to drive through the different aspects of the ITV. A guy telling me in Spanish when to drive, press my brakes, indicators, screen wash etc...

I thought I did quite well with my understanding of the language until he told me to get out and took over. I didn't quite get the fog lights order.

Anyway my green goddess passed. Not with flying colours as one of my fog lights isn't working so I have to get it fixed. Don't have to take it back for 2 years though so thats a result. #itv #SpanishMOT #Cars #Garage

The Market Street Restaurant based in the heart of San Miguel re-opened its doors this month as well. Fantastic news to hear any restaurants or bars that re-open after they sadly closed down for whatever reason. Of course we had to frequent the place giving the new owners support. We went for Sunday Dinner and it was as fantastic as it always was.

The service was 100% they made us feel so special. The food, to die for. Even enough left over to take home in a goody bag. Minni was well happy.

Check out their face book page to see what special offer menu's they are doing.

Including a special Market Day menu every Wednesday.

The red carpet was out for us of course!!

We tried another new owners restaurant that we haven't been to in years. Budapest in Quesada.

Arriving thinking we was going to be dining on Hungarian food, we was pleasantly surprised to find out it was Mediteranean type food.

It is a bit on the pricy side being 18.95euros for menu del dia but must admit the food was gorgeous and the Restaurant is very classy including the service.

Only one bug bear we was sat at a beautiful table near the window overlooking the terrace onto the road alas that is also where the smokers go.

Not a very nice view while eating.

I'm far from an anti-smoker but I think the restaurant could find a more private area for the smokers.

You can find more about Budapest via group

Phone number to reserve your reservation is 966 717 406

Easter came and went in a blur. I walked down into the village to watch some of the activities which as always was amazing. Our village really does go to town on everything they put on. As I expect most villages do. Was really good to have my Stubby Hubby over for Easter and getting out with friends for nice meals etc.. Was glorious weather as well. In fact the whole of April has been amazing weather. Normally it can be raining here at Easter. It was last year hence a lot of Easter activities being cancelled.

Now I really have to tell you about this AMAZING shop!!

I love it!

The Funky Monkey Fifties Store based in the heart of La Marina.

There is some really funky gear in there.

From lava lamps, to 50's retro clothing,

Shoes, handbags, gifts, signs and even a little booth where you can have a coffee while you are trying clothes on.

Loads of really different unique gifts for that special occasion.

There is so much to see in there so get visiting. Check out their website and face book page for opening times etc..

GOTTA love the scooter eh?

Can't believe I actually managed to cram in a very much needed beach day at my fave beach Mil Palmeras. #chilloutday #readabook #MilPalmeras

A fizz, spa, games and nibbles day with this crazy chick.

All in between working every weekday as well. #neverstopmeyouknow

Don't forget you can catch me LIVE on air every weekday morning from 7am on BIG RADIO SPAIN.

We even have an APP you can download to your phone to take us with you everywhere you go.

Click on the following links



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Gaynor Turner
Gaynor Turner
May 02, 2023

Brilliantly written as per. 💚 Gaynor

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