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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews


Another August done and dusted and here's me saying last year there is no way i'm doing another August here in Spain. Planning on going back to the UK because its too hot.

Well I survived once again. Just!!

My first private pool party djing sesh was a fantastic night. Albeit at friends of mine but it was still a job.

Hawaiin themed and it went down a storm. A very hot early evening set up and we partied on until midnight, which is music off curfew time in a residential area.

Or basically any area depending what mood the police are in.

The food was amazing. Hot and cold buffet Hawaiin style brought in by Food 2 You based in Torrevieja.

If your looking for outside caterers then these are the guys for you. They cater for every type of party.

It was a firsts for a few things this August for me... My first visit to WOW Beach Club too with some friends for a birthday. And I really enjoyed a WOW day in front of the sea.

WOW Beach is by Las Calinas and is Located on La Glea beach, in Dehesa de Campoamor, you will absolutely love their fresh and Mediterranean style.

Without a doubt, it is the ideal place to unwind and enjoy the sun, the beach and the sea.

Relax in one of their exclusive Balinese beds or in any of the hammocks next to the infinity pool, with views of the Mediterranean, and delight yourself with the gastronomic proposal of their restaurant.

As gorgeous as this place is there are a few points I think I should menion. Its expensive to say the least at 25€ per person for the day. What do you get for this?

Entrance, a bed and a towel.

I am surprised you don't get at least a couple of drinks or and Tapas to wet your appetite.

Also, if the club was full there would be a wait for the ladies toilet. As beautiful as it is, there is only one. I for one hate queuing up especially for a toilet and especially when I have paid 25€ for the privilage.

Loads of visitors again this month. Love it!! Just shows how things are getting back to normal ish.. Well it is for the people who want to travel but I also understand how COVID has affected the ones that now do not want to travel after the nitemare of the last couple of years. Crowds are not very appealing anymore that's for sure & airports are a real put off these days.

So it was party weekend time as my hubby flew over for his birthday together with Lou & Gaz... Talk about a mad funfilled laughter weekend..

We know how to have a good time...

Lifes too short and all that jazz..

Caught up with more friends of mine that I haven't seen in far too long. Yehuda & Paula who now live in Holland but have a holiday home here on the Costa's. I can't believe I have actually known these guys for 33 years. Yep, I was a backpacker back in the day and met these two in Israel when I worked on a diving boat that Yehuda was the skipper on.

That's another story for the book I will write one day, but Israel especially Eilat holds many fantastic memories for me and a very special place in my heart. I learned to deep sea dive, drive a speed boat and crew a boat. Never learned how to cook though however much Yehuda tried to teach me. I will always remember the Ronya Rice he used to make though.. Recipe to follow, in my book!

UNRISEN QUEEN comes to SAN JAVIAR and what an AMAZING concert it was too.

They played Auditorio Parque Almansa. Very impressive indeed.

I was so looking forward to seeing these guys in action and they definately did not disappoint. Fantastic show from beginning to end. I can't stress enough that if you are anywhere near where these guys are playing.... GO AND SEE THEM!!

The Parque Almansa Municipal Auditorium is the most important cultural forum in San Javier. It owes its name to the garden area in which it is located, a large space with fountains and green areas.

Since its construction in 1986, the Parque Almansa Auditorium has hosted most of the theatrical and musical offerings that take place in San Javier in the summer months. An amalgamation of musical and theatrical currents are brought together on its stage, since it is the venue for such prestigious shows as the International Theater, Music and Dance and Jazz Festivals.

So I might have JUST survived August's heat but it wasn't without a few wasp stings. It has been a nitemare for them during the Summer months. And they are still knocking about now. Im a lover of all living things but WASPS no thank you very much!! The name 'Wasp' has been used for many warships and other military equipment. I'm not surprised they are evil.. Wasps are predators, feeding insects to their young. What makes them beneficial is that they prey on many insects, including caterpillars, flies, crickets, and other pests. What makes them a pest is in late summer and fall they alter their tastes and go after sweets.

What way to end August than tapas in one of our gorgeous traditional Spanish Restaurants here in San Miguel de Salinas, with my Spanish bestie. Meson Rincon de Paco was the choice of the day.. Lovely and based right on the corner of the square I got married in. Hence why I chose that square. It has been far too long since I last frequented the place.

We chose a selection of fresh tapas. Very tasty.

Washed down by a bottle of house red of course.

Traditional Spanish Tapas on your doorstep!!

Here they are on facebook...

Well my lovely blog readers that's August done and dusted..

Don't forget you can catch me LIVE on air every weekday morning from 7am on BIG RADIO SPAIN.

We even have an APP you can download to your phone to take us with you everywhere you go. Click on this link to download.

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