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  • Writer's pictureCaz Matthews

A "Very" Late April 🤪

Another very busy month been and gone and a massive apology for being late with April's blog... 🙈 I always have to look back on all my pictures to see what I have actually been upto. What would we now do without mobile phones? Keep a diary thats what. Which I used to do for years. Should have carried it on really but I suppose blog is the new name for diary eh? #diaryblog #Aprilblog #lateagain

When we lost Minni and the Vets in Los Montesinos were absolutely amazing with her and myself, I really wanted to give something back to them. I thought and thought about what I could do and came up with a great idea. With the help off Paul from Secret Shed Woodworks and Gifts, who made me the most amazing collection box there is now a legacy to my Minni in Centro Veterinario, Los Montesinos

So if you are a client of this vets or just passing by please think about dropping some change into the box as it is all going to pets and families of pets who need help.

I understand that not everyone can do what I did by having the vets come to the home and keep Minni's ashes so hopefully the money the box raises will help someone or an animal that needs help somehow. Thank you in advance and a massive thanks to everyone that has donated into minni's box already. 💚💚💚 #minnisbox #donations

I have also mentioned before that I am doing a 10k run for charity in October this year. With the help of Andy Heath, my personal trainer I have been trying my very best to up my fitness regime. And believe you me its not easy!! I have to keep telling myself im doing it for Minni 😏 to make myself get on with it.

It is for charity of course and I'm raising funds for Help Vega Baja a charity based in the heart of San Miguel. If your in need you can read all about them right here via their website and for the Vets in Los Montesinos too.

So it was absolutely one hell of a surprise when Lee & Gill Hollister turned up to sponsor me for my run. 🤣🤣

Great to see you guys and thanks for the visit and the sponsor of course. 💶

If you have never seen Manchester Ska Foundation around the UK then check them out here they could be playing at a venue near you very soon.

I am trying my utmost to get them over here for a gig!!!

Trust me they will pack your venue out so come on get in touch for an amazing gig of SKA on the Costa Blanca! #skanight #McrSkaFoundation

You dont have to go to Lee and Gill's lengths to sponsor me but of course you can if you wish 😂there are a few other ways to do this.

There are Sponsor forms knocking around San Miguel and in the BIG FM Office in Ciudad Quesada. You can contact me direct on 711052959 and send or give me the sponsor money or you can click on my go fund me page right here and donate/sponsor direct through this  

Thanks in advance people. #allforagoodcause #runforcharity #10K

Session 11 done and dusted with my PT Andy Heath at Reptz Fitness 

You can follow my journey right here on this website or via

YAY we had some live music in the village!! It doesn't happen much these days but when it does its a great turn out. It was actually a bike race and then they put a Spanish Band on in the Church Square. The Sun was out and so was most of the village it was a great afternoon.

Would't mind doing a DJ set in the Church Square.

Watch this space!!🤣🤣 #livemusic #villagelife #Spanishlife

Been a long time coming but finally myself & my gorgeous work pal Lydia finally managed to get together for an early dinner date at Triple Brew based in the heart of Rojales.

We love it here and we have not been for far too long!

Spoilt for choice on the food and the service as always was 100%. It was amazing. Lydia even made me buy a beer from their shop.. Cherry Chouffe.

It was different 😄and I don't think I could drink more than one. I will definately go back to the shop to try another of their beers/ciders they have though. Check them out right here on their facebook page.

Good time had by all at Caprichio Restaurant in San Miguel for Warren's birthday. They have a lovely private dining room at the back of the restaurant. Food and service was fantastic and always great to meet new people.

I was dead chuffed with myself as I managed a quick unplanned trip back to the UK for a few days, FLYING ON MY OWN!!! I'm not the best flyer infact I hate it. Get me... driving to the airport & parking up - Murcia Airport which I have never flown from before - then getting on that plane and voila back in the UK... I was very nervous but to be honest Murcia Airport is excellent. Small, so not headbashingly busy like Alicanti so it made things easier.

Was fantastic to catch up with everyone I could catch up with. Loved very 2nd of it but always sorry there is people I didn't manage to catch up with... Next time!! 😍 #goodtimes #makingmemories #family #friends #UKtrip #Manchester #Poulton

So... As April came to an end my girl Minni Matthews has been gone two months now and no it does not get any easier. 😥 I miss her every single day.

I find it really sad that I dont have updated pictures now to put on my blog..

So I had this beautiful canvas made which was hard to choose which pictures to add as you can imagine I have millions 😍

These Pictures represent most of the places Minni has lived/travelled to from

Manchester, Great Eccleston, France, Spain, Javea and of course San Miguel.

She really did have a wonderful spoilt life.. #myworld #mygirl

Once again thank you soooo much for reading my blog.

Please feel free to comment, good or bad I can take it.. 😂

I actually would really like your feedback...

cheers in advance...💚

Don't forget you can catch me LIVE on air every weekday morning from 7am on


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1 comentário

Gaynor Turner
Gaynor Turner
18 de mai.

Fabulous read as always. Makes me feel I’ve been there and done that 💚

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